Everything Leaders Need to Know About Online Groups

Offering your group online is a great way to provide support to GriefShare participants that either prefer online options or require them. Here’s a list of resources to make this process simple for you and your group members.

And if you need anything else or have questions, don’t hesitate to contact the GriefShare team. We appreciate all you’re doing to continue to bring hope and healing to the hurting.

Getting Started

To help you get started, join us for an online groups webinar training.

Group Member Registration

To access your group online, participants need to be registered for your group. Here’s how to create your group so they can register.

Sharing Videos with Participants

To give your registered group members access to the online content, just send them the link to log in. You can find detailed instructions under the Watching Online tab of the Group Help page. Follow this link: How to Share Videos with Participants. (Your group details will need to be current in the MyChurch section of the LeaderZone to access this information.)

Workbooks for online group members

We can send individual copies of the GriefShare workbook directly to the homes of your online group members. They will automatically receive an email message describing how to purchase the workbook when they register for your group via the online Find a Group search engine. 

Getting the Word Out

Let people know your group is available online. This will help reach people in your community who are searching for support. Select meeting online when setting up your GriefShare group. 

Additional Resources

The tools below are free solutions that can help you and your group members stay connected while meeting virtually. (And you don’t need high-tech skills to use them!)

Phone conferencing

Video conferencing

Have Questions?

As you step up to take on this new virtual role, you probably have additional questions. Here are answers to the most common questions leaders are asking about online groups. GS Online Groups FAQ

And if you need any additional information, don’t hesitate to contact the GriefShare team or reach out to a ministry coach. We’re here to help.

Contact a Coach



Kathy Tessitore
Grace Church Salida
Salida, CO

We have our 1st session on Zoom this coming Monday. We covered 6 sessions before COVID-19 at our church in a classroom. We are continuing the sessions, which we pray, will be encouraging and comforting to each participant. Thank you for providing a way to meet!

Rev. Bria Y. Belim
Rev. Bria Y. Belim

Thank you, GriefShare! You are making it so easy for us to continue. As I was trying to figure out how to convert the group to an online format, you had already put together a webinar and a way for people to access the materials. We will resume with Session 4 next Thursday at 6:30 p.m. with barely a blip in our schedule! Again, many thanks and we are so happy to be a part of such a well-organized and much needed ministry such as GriefShare.

Alice Knight
Pleasant Dale Baptist Church
Lancaster, SC

Thank you for providing us with a way to continue our remaining sessions & for conference calling. We held a conference call yesterday to talk about how everyone was doing, to express their feelings concerning their grief process & how this virus has effected them. We will do another conference call after watching the video next week. God bless you for all you do!

Charisha Cooper
Pine Level Baptist Church
Cairo, GA

I am excited to have our first online session this coming Monday at 6:00. Please pray that everything will go smoothly. I am not techno savy and was so thrilled to see how easy it was to register all my participants and get the information out. This was a wonderful idea, so that we did not have to continue to postpone meetings. I can't wait to see everyone's face.

Trish Iula
Cedar Crest Bible Fellowship Church
Allentown, PA

We got in two sessions before we were confined to home. Praying that tonight we can meet together via Zoom and continue our full 13 weeks. Thank you for providing the videos online to our class participants. What a blessing this will be to those who are grieving. Thank you so much!

Karen and Mark Larrabee

Thank you GriefShare for providing the resources we need to stay connected with our group and continue moving forward on our journey from mourning to joy. We picked up where we left off with Session 12. Our first conference call was a huge success and put many restless minds at ease.
We are so blessed to have access to this caring ministry. May God bless each of you as you continue to serve Him while helping others.

Sara Cunningham
First Baptist Church Daytona Beach
Daytona Beach, FL

This Sunday, April 12, will be our 3rd online session and it has been such a success. The participant watches the video on their own then we meet via Zoom. It is so good to see everyone and we have a wonderful time talking and discussing the video. We are on session 11 and will begin with session 1 after we finish session 13. Thank you for making this possible...it is such a blessing !!!

William Ingersoll
William Ingersoll
Common Ground Church
Sacramento, CA

We’ll be starting our second GS group on May 7, 2920; via online through ZOOM. It seems to me that this will be a great way to include shut-ins and those who don’t wish to travel at night. I also believe that being able to watch the videos online will be a big help for our participants as it will give them the ability to go over certain parts again as the begin working to understand their grief and how to work through it, with God’s help of course! Shalom, Wm.

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