Frequently Asked Questions

Attending a group


Is GriefShare for people with a specific type of loss?


GriefShare is for everyone who is grieving the death of a loved one—whether you’ve experienced the loss of a spouse, parent, child (infant, young child, teen, adult, unborn), friend, sibling, coworker, or other relative.


What if I’m not comfortable sharing?


That’s perfectly fine! No one is required to talk or share. People usually find that it helps to express their concerns, ask questions, and share their stories, but you are welcome to come and simply listen to others’ experiences and the expert advice from the videos.


I’m not religious. Should I come?


Even though GriefShare is based on Christian principles, people from all faiths and even those who are not religious have found hope and healing by attending. The practical advice from counselors, pastors, and healthcare professionals applies to anyone.


What happens during a typical group meeting?


Each week you’ll view a 30-minute video on a grief-related topic, featuring valuable insights from counselors, pastors, and others who’ve lost a loved one. Then your group will discuss the video and how it applies to your lives. You’ll also receive a book with helpful tips and exercises for personal support throughout the week.


What if I’m nervous about being with people I don’t know?


Your feelings are understandable, but those feelings go away quickly for most people, usually during the first session they attend. People at GriefShare are there because they, too, are looking for help and support in a caring, safe place.


What are the group facilitators like?


GriefShare facilitators understand what it’s like to grieve. They want to help you take healthy steps in the right direction and avoid pitfalls. They have a heart to come alongside hurting people and will foster a supportive environment during your time together.

Program details


How does GriefShare compare with other grief support options?


While other grief support sites may offer a phone or video consultation with a professional, we have found a group support setting to be crucial for healing. One-on-one counsel is certainly helpful, but a more complete healing is found in the context of having people walk alongside you on the grief journey.


How many weeks does the group last?


GriefShare groups last 13 weeks, and you can begin attending at any time. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend the full 13-week group more than once. People have said they find new tips and guidance each time, as they are dealing with new seasons of grieving.


How much does it cost to attend?


For most groups the cost ranges from free to around $25 to cover the cost of your participant guide. You can find group details such as cost, location, and dates by searching for groups meeting near you (or online). Then, if you have additional questions, you can contact the group leader or church directly.


Are there online groups?


Yes. GriefShare groups meet both in person and online. You can find a group that works with your schedule or specific needs.


Is child care available?


Many groups offer child care. When you search for a group, you can find out what options are available or contact the group leader directly.


What topics are covered?


GriefShare addresses topics commonly experienced by people who are grieving a death. Take a look at the video previews; you’ll be able to identify points that are relevant and relatable to your situation.


What if I’m looking for more one-on-one support?


We encourage people to seek help in the context of a weekly support group rather than attempting to navigate grief on your own. If you aren’t ready to attend a group, you can find more resources here.


Can I do GriefShare by myself as an independent study?


No. GriefShare is designed to be a support group. The group setting found in GriefShare is an important part of the healthy grieving process, and we don’t encourage people to grieve alone.

Hosting a group


How do I start up a GriefShare ministry at my church?


All you need is a GriefShare kit and at least one volunteer to facilitate the group. The kit comes with facilitator training, promotional materials, and the videos and workbooks needed to host a weekly grief support group. Lay volunteers and church leaders can also talk with a ministry coach, who is happy to provide answers and guidance!


How do I present the idea of a GriefShare ministry to my pastor?


If you’d like to share with your pastor the idea of hosting GriefShare at your church, download this guide. It offers simple instructions for presenting to your pastor. You can also contact a GriefShare coach, who will send you an information packet.


Can I lead GriefShare by myself?


GriefShare isn’t meant to be a solo sport. It’s best to have a team of at least two people to share in the responsibilities and provide support to the group members.


What does it cost to host a group?


Your church will need to purchase a GriefShare ministry kit, which has everything you need to start. Kits come in three sizes (based on participant numbers). You can view available kit sizes and pricing here. Many groups charge a fee to cover the cost of work books ($20 each).


Can I offer a group online?


Yes! Each GriefShare kit comes with access to online materials so you can offer a group either online or in person. Many churches provide both an online and in-person group so people who are homebound, live far from the church, are unable to drive, or are hesitant due to health concerns can find support.


Can I buy the GriefShare kit and offer the group outside of church?


GriefShare is meant to be hosted by a local church. While your group is welcome to meet at other locations (senior center, public library, etc.), the program is not to be hosted by entities outside of a local church body.

Becoming a group leader


Can I lead a group if I’m not a teacher or don’t know the answers?


Yes! GriefShare is designed for church members to facilitate. You’re not expected to have all the answers. The experts in the videos will do the teaching. As a leader, your role is simply to facilitate the group.


Am I ready to volunteer?


In general, you should be at least one year out from your loss. Then, if you have a heart to help others and a willingness to serve, you are likely ready—and definitely qualified!—to help with a GriefShare group. There are many ways to volunteer (publicity, snacks, admin, group facilitator).


I’ve never lost a loved one. Can I be an effective facilitator?


Yes! While personal experience helps GriefShare leaders empathize and relate to members, it is not required for facilitating. Having a willing heart to help those who are hurting is all that’s needed to be an effective facilitator.


How do I become a GriefShare leader/facilitator?


If it’s been over a year since your loss and your church has an active GriefShare ministry, talk to a leader about volunteering. If your church doesn’t have one, approach your pastor about starting a new ministry. Or download Take the Next Step: Volunteering for a GriefShare Group.


What support or training is available?


Every volunteer has access to free online training, the online LeaderZone with helpful articles and a discussion forum, and the leaders’ Facebook page. Best of all, a GriefShare ministry coach is available to help along the way! It’s free to talk with a coach.


What is the time commitment?


All the materials to run the group are provided for you, including weekly agendas with discussion questions. So you won’t have to prepare anything beforehand. Plan on two hours per week to facilitate the sessions, plus an hour for general administrative tasks.

For church pastors


How easy is it for our church to host GriefShare?


GriefShare is designed to be lay-led by church volunteers, and they are all provided free coaching support, online training, and an easy-to-use curriculum that does all the prep work for them.


Our church is quite big/small. How can I be sure GriefShare will work at our church?


GriefShare is perfect for both small and large churches. To find out how GriefShare can work in relation to your church’s size, schedule, members, and goals, our GriefShare ministry coaches welcome your call (it’s free!). They can help you start a grief ministry suited to your church’s unique needs.


Money is tight these days. How can my church fund this?


Participants now have the ability to order their own books to be shipped directly to them. (Churches won’t have to front the cost of workbooks!) Some churches also charge a registration fee, which could reimburse the GriefShare kit cost over time. Or ask someone in your church with a heart for this type of ministry to gift the kit.


Is there training available for my volunteers?


To help prepare your lay volunteers to facilitate a grief support group, each leader will have continued access to a series of online training videos. Topics include building a team of volunteers, handling small-group challenges, and creating a safe space for conversation. They will also be given a leader’s guide with clear instructions and tips to run the ministry.


What support is available for GriefShare facilitators?


Every GriefShare facilitator has access to free unlimited coach support, online training videos, and the LeaderZone (online articles and a discussion forum), plus the ability to interact with other GriefShare leaders. GriefShare coaches can answer questions and offer guidance on how to support someone grieving the loss of a spouse, child, parent, friend, or other relative.


How do I identify leaders for our GriefShare program?


Typically you’ll find the most committed leaders are those who have personal experience with the death of a loved one. These people are passionate about helping others navigate the pain of grief. If you find one lay leader, our GriefShare coaches will help your leader build a team of volunteers.

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