Calvary Church Surviving the Holidays
November 16, 2024 at 10:00 am

Event location

Calvary Church

9 South 200 Rt 59, Naperville, IL 60564 • Directions

The Surviving the Holidays experience

Watch this video to learn what it’s like to attend an event.

Event information

Date & time

November 16, 2024
10:00 am – 12:00 pm

Contact person

Paris Cannon,
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$0.00 (Includes survival guide)

Meeting in person

Scheduled to meet in person

Meeting room

The closest entrance to Room 237 is Door 25 the North West Entrance. When you enter look for the elevator on the left. Take the elevator to the 2nd floor when you get off the elevator walk across the lobby ahead to the door on your right with the GriefShare banner outside. It's 237. Enter there.

Child care

Not available

Church sponsor

Calvary Church

Questions or concerns?

Message the contact person

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