Wellspring Community Church Surviving the Holidays
November 25, 2024 at 6:30 pm

Event location

Meeting online

This event is meeting online. Please register or contact the event contact person for more information.

What to expect when attending an online event

The Surviving the Holidays experience

Watch this video to learn what it’s like to attend an event.

Event information

Date & time

November 25, 2024
6:30 pm – 9:00 pm

Contact person

Dennis Squires, GriefShare Coordinator
813-767-2344 Send message


$7.00 (Includes survival guide)

Meeting online

Scheduled to meet online

Meeting room


Child care

Not available

Church sponsor

Wellspring Community Church

Welcome to GriefShare: Surviving the Holidays. For people who have lost a loved one, the Thanksgiving and Christmas season can be difficult . This event offers coping tools and support for grieving congregation members, and people in our community.

Questions or concerns?

Message the contact person

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