Calvary Church Surviving the Holidays
October 11, 2024 at 10:00 am

Event location

Calvary Church

1375 State Street, Lemont, IL 60439 • Directions

The Surviving the Holidays experience

Watch this video to learn what it’s like to attend an event.

Event information

Date & time

October 11, 2024
10:00 am – 12:00 pm

Contact person

Barbara Revor, Leader
630-257-9333 Send message


$0.00 (Includes survival guide)
Scholarships available

Meeting in person

Scheduled to meet in person

Meeting room

Lower level entrance, meeting in the cafe

Child care

Not available

Church sponsor

Calvary Church

Losing a loved one is hard. As the holiday season is upon us the thought of celebrating without your loved one seems unbearable. You are not alone. Come join us for Surviving the Holidays. The Surviving the Holidays session helps you prepare to cope with the holiday season during your time of grief.

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